Interest Groups

For general Interest Group information, including joining, starting, or updating Interest Group information, please contact:

Interest Group Co-Coordinators
Melanie Hudson, – 719-205-7639,
Rocky Hudson, – 719-460-2566,

ACTIVE MEMBERS are encouraged to call the IG Chair of a group in which they have an interest, to find out the current meeting times and group status. Please go to the MEMBERS ONLY page for the updated list of Interest Group Contact Information.

PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS are invited to attend two different Interest Groups and are encouraged to attend at least one branch meeting to learn more about the AAUW mission and our branch before joining.

Interest Groups sorted by activity type.  For a handy one-page calendar version sorted by day of the week, click here. 

Arts and Entertainment 
Arts on the Go!: Enjoy local music and theatre with your AAUW friends. A spontaneous group; Invite a friend, another member!  Dates and times vary.
Bridge Lite:  Improve bridge skills and enjoy time with other AAUW members. Open to all skill levels. Dates, locations, & times planned by participants.
Visual Arts:  An outside speaker or Visual Arts member presents a monthly program related to visual arts/artists. May include occasional car-pooled visits to regional art-related exhibits,

sites. Meets 4th Tuesdays, usually at Library 21c; typically at 1:30 p.m.

Current Affairs
Great Decisions:  An in-depth study of current affairs.  Group reads about the eight most pressing global topics from the Great Decisions Foreign Policy Association book, views a 20-minute video, and breaks into discussion groups.  Meets February through May on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at Pikes Peak Library East.
TED Talks: An evening group that meets to watch one or more podcasts and discuss, sharing ideas, food, and beverages. Meets 3rd or 4th Thursday evenings at alternating member’s homes or at a local library (using streaming.)

Chocolate Lovers Study, discuss and eat chocolate.  Meets 4th Wednesdays. Times
vary as sometimes we meet at a restaurant for lunch or at a member’s home. CURRENTLY FULL
Fellowship of the Grape (FOG):  A potluck-style social gathering. Bring a spouse or guest. Meets monthly at varied members’ homes on Friday or Saturday evenings.

Hardy Hikers:  Enjoy hikes in the Front Range averaging 4-6+ miles.  The degree of difficulty varies with each hike.  Summer and fall hikes are usually in the mountains; winter and spring hikes are more likely to be local. Meets Mondays (varied times).
Walkie Talkies: Light walks, 2-4 miles, gentle terrain. During spring, summer and fall, walks are often out of town; in winter walks are centered locally. Meets Thursday mornings (varied times).

Local History:  (Supporting Local History communications.) Enjoy visits to places and presentations on topics of local historical significance. Meets 1st Fridays at 10 am usually at Library 21c.
Southwest Studies:  Meeting presentations focus on the unique history and legacy
of our annual destination. Meets 2nd Wednesdays from 1:30 pm to 3:30
pm at Library 21c. 

Reading and Writing
Afternoon Readers:  Read and discuss fiction and non-fiction books. Meets September through May on 3rd Wednesdays at 1 pm. CURRENTLY FULL.
Books To Films:  Read a great book, fiction, or non-fiction, then watch the correlating movie on streaming or at the theater! Meet at a member’s home, a theatre, or a library. First Mondays; Movie Date varies.
Dinner Book Club This group meets in various restaurants or a member’s home for dinner or dessert and discusses both fiction and non-fiction books. Meets 2nd Tuesdays at 5:30 pm.

Exploring Lives & Cultures: Nonfiction and fiction books that reflect current social issues are discussed. Meets 1st Fridays at 10 am usually at Library 21c.
Luncheon Novel I:  Fiction and non-fiction books are discussed after sharing lunch in a member’s home or a restaurant for either luncheon or dessert. Call for more info.  Meets 3rd Wednesdays around noon.
Luncheon Novel Too:  Fiction and non-fiction books are discussed after sharing lunch in a member’s home. Meets third Wednesdays in the afternoon.
Morning Glory Readers Book Club:  This welcoming group of avid readers meets each month in Members’ homes. Fiction and non-fiction books for the year are recommended in October and discussed throughout the year while enjoying drinks and pastries in each other’s home. Join us! Meets 4th Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Readers’ Potpourri:  Fiction and non-fiction books are read and discussed at various member’s homes. Meets 2nd Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
Chapter and Verse:  A writing group to support and encourage writing activities and improve  writing skills. Meets 2nd Thursdays at 1:00 pm.
Women Who Write:  This group writes, shares (optional) and encourages one another.  Come be inspired to write for 20-30 minutes from a prompt provided by the host.  Share and discover the pleasure of a writing group. Meets 1st Thursdays at 9:30 am. at rotating members’ homes.

Technology:  The group meets to help each other better utilize new technologies.  Bring your tech questions for discussion or your latest device or software to show and tell. The group meets 1st Tuesdays at 9:30 am; rotating leaders.

Environmental Action (EA): Learn about various ways to conserve resources in our
communities; participate in environmental activities. Meets 2nd Wednesdays at 10 a.m. on EVEN months at various pertinent locations.

The use of masks is optional at AAUW meetings. However, we ask our members to be careful, especially those who may be vulnerable due to underlying conditions. New variants seem to be popping up to make our lives more complicated. We want all our members to stay safe and well.